Thursday, August 25, 2005

Long Distance Relationship

It’s not an easy thing to start long distance relationship. We have to think twice or thrice prior to decide having long distance relationship.
Why ? Coz we have to build effective communication in terms of we can share our feeling .It's definitely necessary to stay in touch, and always be there for the other person when he or she needs you…, for whatever reason is,..either he /she miss you, needs your support, thinks of you, etc. Have a feeling that he /she always be there for you, care of you, make you think you can rely on him/her eventhough he / she is apart from you
It needs much bigger effort than short distance relationship,…as we have to spend more money to regularly call him / her,just saying hi,.and show how much we care of him/her…, and we need to be more patience as there uncertainty and fear about what he/she’ll do in week end,,with whom he/she will spend week end…., whether he/she will cheat us or not, etc
Therefore, commitment, loyalty and trust are being critical here, as we are far away from each other.

We can’t do anything except trust other person. And be a tough and strong person.

Possibility to betray is bigger than close distance relationship.
Being loyal to our partner even how big the temptation is…becomes necessary thing

Showing our strong commitment to seriously undergo this difficult relationship becomes our challenge. Without strong commitment – what kind of commitment can be different for one and other couples - , our relationship will easily tend to break up.

It’s our task to be able to maintain this long distance relationship till end up with happy, successful story, isn’t it ?

Aug 25, 2005

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