Thursday, October 27, 2005


From dictionary, integrity means : "behavior and decisions which are consistently in line with our principles", how we act with integrity. These principles should be accepted as ethical and honest.

Words that can describe characters of someone who has integrity are : honest, trustworthy, truthful, faithful, consistent, principled, scrupulous,

We have to be consistent with our principle, whatever the situation is .Sometimes we face ‘grey area’ that force us to realize that we live in Indonesia, with specific culture that enable us to, let say send gifts to our related government officer, or give money to particular parties just to smooth our business and even receive lebaran parcel or gift from our vendors. The ‘invisible’ cost that has no invoice as a proven receipt, becomes dilemma and could not be accepted by multi national company. As the internal audit and code of ethics prohibit us to do all the above examples.
Things that will affect the way the other institution or parties make the right and objective decision , should be prohibited. And it’s right !!!

One of the important elements of integrity is consistency : we should be predictable person, with what we’ll do and say, our decisions are firm , no matter with whom we’ll interact, and we’ll not change the decision just for sake of the boss or owner, and not based – on our feeling or intuition, but logical thinking. Remember, we’ll be role model of integrity, everybody will look at us !! So, once we lack of make the right act and decision , then everybody will leave you and try to disobey the rule. For sure, we can not satisfy everybody by expecting they can accept and agree with our decision, but as long as you hold your integrity, others will respect you, coz you are on the right ethical and moral beliefs.

Sometimes our integrity is tested when we wanted to get good results shortly. Can we close our eyes, and tolerate and compromise something that actually we can’t, just for the sake of good result ? No, we can’t..

Integrity is not stand alone, as for Moslems , integrity relates to our holy Qur’an content that always taught us to be ‘istiqomah’ or consistent in the way we do, kind deed, love human being before we love Allah

BNI, October 27, 2005
07.00 am

1 comment:

buderfly said...

is my persistent comment for every new writing you publish…amazing!